SDI - grades


Hello everyone, just a quick update - the grades for the Systems for Design and Implementation course are now available on the portal. Take a moment to review your performance. If you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to reach out. Wishing you all the best in your ongoing academic journey.

❗SDI - exam date changed❗


Update: The exam date has been changed to 13.06.2023. Please make a note of the revised schedule. Thank you.

Mobile Applications Lecture 10 guest


Quick Update: Exciting news for our next lecture! We're pleased to announce that Ioana Popescu, an expert in the field, will be our special guest. Don't miss this insightful session. See you there!

❗Schedule modifications❗


Hello all, unfortunately I won't be able to conduct Lecture 7 as scheduled. Apologies for any inconvenience. I'm working on rescheduling and will provide the new date soon. Please stay tuned for updates on email and class channels. Thank you.

Hackathon - CS InnoHUB


Hello students, save the date for an upcoming Hackathon on 18-19.11.2022. Details are on the way, but I wanted to give you a heads-up. It's a chance to tackle coding challenges and collaborative projects. Your participation is encouraged, so stay tuned for more info!

2nd Assignment deadline


Hello students, in response to numerous student requests, I've decided to extend the deadline for the second assignment by one week. After the new deadline, I won't be accepting any new submissions. Thank you for your understanding.